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Showing posts from July, 2023

Check If Marker Is Inside Circle Radius

I'm trying to know if a given marker is inside a circle radius. In javascript, i can do somethi… Read more Check If Marker Is Inside Circle Radius

Vectordrawable Backwards Compatibility And Installing Unofficial Support Libraries

Bear with me, I'm new! I want to use vectors in my android app, and I want my app to be backwa… Read more Vectordrawable Backwards Compatibility And Installing Unofficial Support Libraries

Android Emulator Gives Error "resetting For Cold Boot: Emulation Engine Failed" And Exits

After updating AS now emulator quits every time I start it. Below is the screenshot I managed to ca… Read more Android Emulator Gives Error "resetting For Cold Boot: Emulation Engine Failed" And Exits

Change Android Softkeyboard Sample Designs, Button And Background Images

I'm building a custom keyboard by modifying the android softkeyboard sample from the SDK. I wan… Read more Change Android Softkeyboard Sample Designs, Button And Background Images

How To Validate Edit Text Input In Android?

I've added input validation to a set of edit texts in a dialog message using the setError metho… Read more How To Validate Edit Text Input In Android?

Default Focus And Keyboard To Edittext In Android Alertdialog

I am using the AlertDialog.Builder in Android to quickly prompt the user for text. The dialog show… Read more Default Focus And Keyboard To Edittext In Android Alertdialog

Android - Ebadf (bad File Number) Onclickinfomarker

I have searched related issues but can't find it. I create an InfoWindowMarker which shows Pict… Read more Android - Ebadf (bad File Number) Onclickinfomarker

How Could I Achieve Maximum Thread Safety With A Read/write Ble Gatt Characteristic?

I am communicating with a BLE device that sends me lots of data via one characteristic. The same Ch… Read more How Could I Achieve Maximum Thread Safety With A Read/write Ble Gatt Characteristic?

Illegalstateexception: The Content Of The Adapter Has Changed But Listview Did Not Receive A Notification

I'm using a custom ArrayAdapter to set the adapter on an AutocompleteTextView (AddressAdapter e… Read more Illegalstateexception: The Content Of The Adapter Has Changed But Listview Did Not Receive A Notification

How To Pass A Value In Services?

I am making a media player ,who can run in background. i have to send a string uri in this service.… Read more How To Pass A Value In Services?

Count Files In Zip's Directory - Java, Android

I have a little irritating problem. How can I count files in directory in Zip? I want to avoid use … Read more Count Files In Zip's Directory - Java, Android

Nullpointerexception When Scrolling Fast

I'm trying to include category fields into my coustom ListView. It works fine until I start scr… Read more Nullpointerexception When Scrolling Fast

Android Align Image Buttons On A Curve?

I have a series of buttons on a main menu. Instead of the standard side by side, or one on top of t… Read more Android Align Image Buttons On A Curve?

Select An Area On Bitmap With 4 Points Using Matrix.setpolytopoly

I am playing with bitmap on Android and I am facing an issue when selecting an area on the bitmap u… Read more Select An Area On Bitmap With 4 Points Using Matrix.setpolytopoly

When I Send Hashmap With Size More Than 20 In Android 4.1, I Get Crash

When I send HashMap with size more than 20 in android 4.1, I get crash with this log: 10-02 13:13:0… Read more When I Send Hashmap With Size More Than 20 In Android 4.1, I Get Crash

Firebase Database Error - Expected A Map While Deserializing, But Got A Class Java.util.arraylist

Edit: Figured it out, check my posted answer if you're having similar issues. I know there are… Read more Firebase Database Error - Expected A Map While Deserializing, But Got A Class Java.util.arraylist

Deserialize Json Facebook Feed Using Gson

I have a JSON response from Facebook with the following structure: { 'data': [ { … Read more Deserialize Json Facebook Feed Using Gson

Sending A Image To Servlet In Java How To Get The Image In Servlet

I am sending a image from android phone to server which is a servlet I am using the HttpClient and … Read more Sending A Image To Servlet In Java How To Get The Image In Servlet

How To Know Which Application The User Chose When Using An Intent Chooser?

I'm using an intent chooser to invite friends : Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND)… Read more How To Know Which Application The User Chose When Using An Intent Chooser?

Android Google Api "failed To Load Map"

I'm trying to display Google Map's map. I followed this tutorial. I Fixed some problems and… Read more Android Google Api "failed To Load Map"

Not Working Corss-application Activities With Taskaffinity In Android 11

I have two application, App A and App B, now I want to start an activity in App B from App A, the l… Read more Not Working Corss-application Activities With Taskaffinity In Android 11

Build Failure For Javafx Android App Using The Gluon Mobile Plugin

I just started a new gluon mobile multi view project with FXML and tried to run it before changing … Read more Build Failure For Javafx Android App Using The Gluon Mobile Plugin

Android Pie - 9 (api 28) : Installing Apk .... Not Successfully Installing

Recently I have updated OS to Android 9(Pie) and found that Whenever I try to install APK from andr… Read more Android Pie - 9 (api 28) : Installing Apk .... Not Successfully Installing

Right To Left Menu Items Android In Navigationview

im beginer of android. i design a navigation drawer like this: as you see all items in menu are on… Read more Right To Left Menu Items Android In Navigationview

Error Net::err_unknown_url_scheme Tel:

I buit an webview app with Android Studio and in my website i have a link like tel:0752118 when i p… Read more Error Net::err_unknown_url_scheme Tel:

Usb Vendor Id For Datawind By Ubislate

I am trying to run and debug my application on the device DATAWIND by UBISLATE. How can I find the… Read more Usb Vendor Id For Datawind By Ubislate

Parsing Object Containing Date Using Gson - Unparseable Date

I have the following JSON data - [ { 'Name': 'Litware, Inc. (sample)', … Read more Parsing Object Containing Date Using Gson - Unparseable Date

Custom Spinner Adapter Not Working

I have a problem with my custom spinner and Spinner Adapter. It crashes after I launch it.I wanted … Read more Custom Spinner Adapter Not Working

How To Make Each Component Of A 3d Opengl Object Touchable In Android?

let's say I have a 3d car model displayed using GLSurfaceView in Android. This model consists o… Read more How To Make Each Component Of A 3d Opengl Object Touchable In Android?

Android Access Folder Using Environment.getexternalstoragedirectory On Device With Only Internal Memory Would Return?

im using this code to access a folder: String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getA… Read more Android Access Folder Using Environment.getexternalstoragedirectory On Device With Only Internal Memory Would Return? Error Performing 'load Adapter Data' On View

I am using Espresso to test a list view that appears when I am searching for an item (like an autoc… Read more Error Performing 'load Adapter Data' On View

Custom Arrayadapter Onclick Position & Row Highlight

I have created a custom ArrayList which is working as it should barring an issue with the onClick. … Read more Custom Arrayadapter Onclick Position & Row Highlight

Facebook Login By Sdk But Post Issue

This is what my logcat shows as a response { Response: responseCode: 403, graphObject: null, … Read more Facebook Login By Sdk But Post Issue

Start Intent Without Oncreate {}

I have created a class which extends Gallery. There is no onCreate() method in super Class, and I&#… Read more Start Intent Without Oncreate {}

Lazy Loading Images From Json Not Downloaded In Sd Card

I am writing a program in which want to download images from online url and want to show in Stagger… Read more Lazy Loading Images From Json Not Downloaded In Sd Card

Unable To Instantiate Activity Componentinfo

I am developing an application for Froyo as minimum version and Gingerbread as the target version. … Read more Unable To Instantiate Activity Componentinfo

Android Error While Compiling

Currently, my android compileSdkVersion is set to 24 and in my dependencies, I have included compil… Read more Android Error While Compiling

Acitivity Two Starts Before Main Activity

I can not find any solution for this problem. Here it is. I have two activities: Main Activity and … Read more Acitivity Two Starts Before Main Activity

Failed To Call A Dynamic Method In A Static Context?

These are created using Android Studio similar to How to modify dummy content in android master/det… Read more Failed To Call A Dynamic Method In A Static Context?

Proguard Causing Nosuchmethodexception

Class c = Class.forName(''); Method main = c.getDeclaredMethod(… Read more Proguard Causing Nosuchmethodexception

Share Images From Gallery In Android

i have written a program which has two buttons , one is for gallery which when clicked displays my … Read more Share Images From Gallery In Android

How To Update Listview After Onresume From Other Activity?

Im trying to create an application that enable user to create event, then invite participant. So wh… Read more How To Update Listview After Onresume From Other Activity?

Drag And Drop For Listview Of Views

Hi i am having Listview where each item is having different layout.and i want to perform drag and d… Read more Drag And Drop For Listview Of Views

Terminating An Async Task After Activity Is Lost

Here is my process and problem: In this application you click a Menu button From this Menu you pre… Read more Terminating An Async Task After Activity Is Lost

Firebase Showing Success But Not Sending Cloud Messaging (android - Php)

I've done a lot of research to figure out why it's causing the problem, but I still can not… Read more Firebase Showing Success But Not Sending Cloud Messaging (android - Php)

How Do I Program Android To Look For A Particular Network?

My application only works if it's on the campus network in order to access campus data. When ru… Read more How Do I Program Android To Look For A Particular Network?

When Calendar Has Fired Receiver For Reminder Alerts In Android, How Can I Get The Event Id?

Here is my code: public class CalendarReminderReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{ @Override public… Read more When Calendar Has Fired Receiver For Reminder Alerts In Android, How Can I Get The Event Id?

Android: Json Parse: Null Object Reference When Attempting To Parse Json Into A Listview

This app is supposed to parse some JSON data (hard coded for now) from the Google Books API, and pa… Read more Android: Json Parse: Null Object Reference When Attempting To Parse Json Into A Listview

Tess-two (tesseract Ocr In Android) Shows Very Inaccurate Results

I use the following function to perform offline OCR using Tesseract OCR's Android fork Tess-Two… Read more Tess-two (tesseract Ocr In Android) Shows Very Inaccurate Results

Alarm Pending Alarm Doesn't Cancel

I've read through many questions and answers on Stackoverflow, and many of which just emphasize… Read more Alarm Pending Alarm Doesn't Cancel

Enable/disable Counter For Ntag213

MifareUltralight mifareUltralight = MifareUltralight.get(tag); byte[] toggleCounterCommand = ne… Read more Enable/disable Counter For Ntag213

Not Able To Update Android Studio 3.1: Conflicting Configuration : 'armeabi-v7a,x86' During Sync Project

this is my build gradle (app) file: apply plugin: '' apply plugin:… Read more Not Able To Update Android Studio 3.1: Conflicting Configuration : 'armeabi-v7a,x86' During Sync Project

Could't Open File On Client Side

I am trying to play a video in Android video view. but when i run the code it opens a media player … Read more Could't Open File On Client Side

Nosuchmethoderror When Using Wiremock In An Android Integration Test

Got the following stack trace when trying to start a WireMockServer in my robotium android test. Mi… Read more Nosuchmethoderror When Using Wiremock In An Android Integration Test

Why Am I Getting A Null Pointer Exception On My Android Program Line 73?

I am not entirely sure why I am getting a NullPointerException. If anybody could help me out that w… Read more Why Am I Getting A Null Pointer Exception On My Android Program Line 73?

Find Intersecting Point Of Three Circles Programmatically

As the title says, I have 3 Circle. Each one have different radius. I know the radius of each circ… Read more Find Intersecting Point Of Three Circles Programmatically

Switch Between Two Fragments

I want to do the following. There are two fragments first and second. Necessary make the transition… Read more Switch Between Two Fragments

Cursor Getint Return Negative Value

at first I want to notice that english isn't my native language, whatever I hope we won't h… Read more Cursor Getint Return Negative Value

Android Image Sharpening, Saturation, Hue, Brightness, And Contrast

I'm trying to create an app that will allow me to adjust the hue, saturation, brightness, contr… Read more Android Image Sharpening, Saturation, Hue, Brightness, And Contrast

Is Simpledateformat In Java And Android Different?

When we call parseJavaAndroid('2018-04-27T22:31:07.962-05:00') from JVM it gives ParseExcep… Read more Is Simpledateformat In Java And Android Different?

How Can I Monitor The Current Focallength Of Android Camera

I have a SurfaceView that holds a Camera Preview. I have set the camera focus mode to: Camera.Para… Read more How Can I Monitor The Current Focallength Of Android Camera

Sending Push Notification On Multiple Devices

I'm trying to make an push notification on my android app by following this tutorial http://www… Read more Sending Push Notification On Multiple Devices

Android - Alarm Lost After App Update

I have an app running on Android that creates an alarm that is fired every 24 hours. This alarm is … Read more Android - Alarm Lost After App Update

Remove Row From Another Activity

I have a listview which is inflated by custom array adapter and onclick takes it to another activit… Read more Remove Row From Another Activity

Firebaseui Custom Layout Doesn't Show

I have created a custom layout for authentication, but the layout is not shown and Email login scre… Read more Firebaseui Custom Layout Doesn't Show

Get All Tab ( Tabs) Labels In A List From Tabs Layout Android

I have set tab layout with view pager, As follows : sectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapte… Read more Get All Tab ( Tabs) Labels In A List From Tabs Layout Android

How To Import Data Into A Room Database Upon Creation?

I've upgraded my app to feature a Room database. When the user upgrades to my new app version, … Read more How To Import Data Into A Room Database Upon Creation?