How Does Android Access A Sqlite Database Included In The Assets Folder
Solution 1:
The package name is not the project name, the package name is the namespace. From Anthony's link.
Remember to change the "YOUR_PACKAGE" to your application package namespace (i.e: com.examplename.myapp) in the DB_PATH string.
For example, from the Hello World tutorial, the project name is HelloAndroid
but the package name is com.example.helloandroid
If this application had a database, it would be stored at data/data/com.example.helloandroid/database
To see how it is for the other applications you can start your emulator. On the menu bar you have your avd's name (I think it stands for Android Virtual Device). On mine it s "avdessay:5554"
(On Linux) From command line, type:
adb -s emulator-5554 shell
You have to replace 5554 by whatever port you are using.
if you have the command prompt '#' you can type:
cd data/data
There, you will see that eveything is in a form of a package name.
More info here
Solution 2:
When you create a database by utilizing the SQLiteDatabase
or SQLiteOpenHelper
classes, it creates the database in your data/data/package_name/database
You can access that resource by using
InputStream myInput = myContext.getAssets().open(your_database_here);
Any other information, look at Using your own SQLite database in Android Applications
The package_name
portion of the path, would be the name of your package. You can find the name of the package at the first line in your .java
As an example, my class starts with this at the top
package com.forloney.tracker;
So my database is in data/data/com.forloney.tracker/database
Hope this makes sense.
Solution 3:
@ScCrow I too followed this example and had the same problems you did until I realized I was not using the DataBaseHelper correctly (or rather it had a quirk I overlooked).
When you use your DatabaseHelper class in your activity, you have to make sure you call createDatabase first! If you look at the code for openDatabase it does NOT check to see if the database exists, so you either have to (attempt to) create the database in each activity you use it in, or modify the openDatabase method to check to make sure the db exists. The link posted does actually instruct you to use it this way but you (like me) may have glossed over that.
DBAdapter db = new DBAdapter(this);
db.openDataBase(); //Bad! db not created yet!
DBAdapter db = new DBAdapter(this);
db.createDataBase(); //needs exception handling
Solution 4:
When I try to open my DB, I get "unable to open database file". I assume its not finding the DB and not some other programmer error. In the log I see the following which looks good to me.
sqllite3_open_v2("/data/data/com.isildo.HelloListView/databases/ListsDB" ...
This is the setup
private static String DB_PATH = "/data/data/com.isildo.HelloListView/databases/";
private static String DB_NAME = "ListsDB";
In my projects assets in the Package Explorer, I see the ListsDb database.
So I at least think I have it all correct. I am using the example at []
In one of the posts here, someone offers a suggestion about setting some Assets parameters. {no response to post there}
**To get an ASSETS folder into your APK:
In /nbproject/,
change assets.dir=
In /nbproject/build-impl.xml, there is line in the “if=assets.available” target that reads
that needs to be changed to**
Is this something we need to do, and if so, can we get a little better direction on the changes required. I could not find the places to make the suggested changes I looked at the project settings, and other things.
Yep, Im new to the environment, so I may just be not finding them. Im using Eclipse on windows.
Solution 5:
In your, change the return type of openDatabase
method to SQLiteDatabase
When you access the database simply use SQLiteDatabase data = db.openDatabase()
, where db
is DBAdapter db = new DBAdapter(this)
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