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How To Use Geocoder In Android 2.2 Emulator Or Android 2.1 Device

I need to use geocoder to get lang and lat from address for google working in android sdk 2.2 .wen using geocoder is not working it throw exception. How to use geocoder in

Solution 1:

The problem of the availability of Geocoder has nothing to do with the platform version (2.1 or 2.2), and everything to do with whether a library implementing the service (such as Google Maps) is available. (More information here - search for "Maps external library")

Here is the page explaining how to install it in your development environment

Take care though - you would do well to provide some kind of fallback in case the Google Maps library is not installed (for example, by querying the Google Maps Web API over HTTP when you detect that Geocoder is not implemented)

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