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AltBeacon Service In Separate Android Process

I need help. There is an application for Xamarin Android. Inside it, a service is started that works with the AltBeacon library. In this service, a thread is created, in which beac

Solution 1:

It is possible to set up the Android Beacon Library to run in a separate process. You can read the basic configuration instructions here:

This multi-process setup was successfully tested with library version 2.11. Version 2.12, however, included significant rework to support Android 8, and I have not tested multi-process support with versions 2.12+, so use those versions with caution. Your best bet is to use version 2.11.

The instructions linked above are written for Android apps built using standard Java or Kotlin development toolset with Android Studio or Gradle. Clearly modifications are needed to make this work with Xamarin. Since I am not a Xamarin expert, it's hard for me to help more.

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